Tokenly Pockets
Wallet Website
Tokenly Pockets is an easy-to-use Chrome Plugin wallet for the storing and sending of Bitcoin, Counterparty, and Counterparty assets that stores your secret passphrase locally in the browser with the option of client-side password encryption.
Network data is collected from several APIs including,, and Transactions are assembled and signed locally then pushed to the network as a raw transaction through’s pushtx API.
Tokenly Pockets is Open Souce powered by Tokenly, an innovator and developer of turnkey blockchain and token solutions.
Important information
This website is only provided for your general information and is not intended to be relied upon by you in making any investment decisions. You should always combine multiple sources of information and analysis before making an investment and seek independent expert financial advice.
Where we list or describe different products and services, we try to give you the information you need to help you compare them and choose the right product or service for you. We may also have tips and more information to help you compare providers.
Some providers pay us for advertisements or promotions on our website or in emails we may send you. Any commercial agreement we have in place with a provider does not affect how we describe them or their products and services. Sponsored companies are clearly labelled.