Ruby Steel Card Buy Now

The Ruby Steel Visa Card is a prepaid card which allows useres to stake and receive up to 1% CRO rewards on all spending, with no annual fees. The card is available to App users after inicially staking CRO tokens for a period of 180 days.
All cryptocurrency is converted to the respective market's currency and can be loaded onto the Visa Card for use in purchase and ATM withdrawals. Visa cards are available in U.S.A., EU, Singapour, Brazil, Canada, Australia and are issued by various legal enteties in those countries. For more information, please check the official disclaimer section on


  • Debit / Credit card top-up fee: 1%
  • ATM Withdrawal: 2% on amounts above the monthly free ATM limit
  • Interbank Exchange: 0.50% on amounts above the monthly free interbank limit
  • Close Account: £50
  • Card Upgrade: Waived
  • Reissue Card: £50
  • Inactivity: £5 per month after 12 months of inactivity

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