Baikal Miner BK-G28 + PSU DASH 58GH/s ASIC

Baikal Miner BK-G28 is an X11, Quark, Qubit, Myriad-Groestl, Nist5, Skein, X11Gost, Groestl multi-algorithm mining equipment sold by Miner Bros. It is able to mine Dash (DASH) with a maximum hashrate of 28,000,000,000H for a power consumption of 1300W. The $1501 USD price includes the PSU.

The Baikal Miner BK-G28 technical specifications are as follows:

Manufacturer Baikal
Model BK-G28
Release October 2018
Size 300 x 190 x 158mm
Weight 6550g
Noise level 70db
Fan(s) 2
Power 1300W
Voltage 12V
Interface Ethernet
Humidity 5 – 95 %

Algorithms and respective hash rates:

Algorithm Hash Rate power
x11 28GH/S 1300W
Quark 28GH/S 800W
Qubit 28gh/s 850w
Myriadd-groestl 28GH/S 350w
Nist5 28GH/S 550w
SKein 14GH/S 300w
X11Gost 3.5GH/S 450w
Groestl 28GH/s 450w

Sold out

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