is your social gateway to the world of crypto currencies! We show live streaming prices, charts and analysis from all of the top crypto & bitcoin exchanges. We compare mining equipment, exchanges, mining contracts and wallets ... so you don’t have to! We are social too, letting you choose your profile giving you the ability to review and have your say to help the community grow stronger! We want your feedback so together we can help push through the adoption and use of digital currencies!
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About Us!
At CryptoCompare we pride ourselves in showing the most accurate live prices, charting and market analysis from 25 of the top crypto exchanges globally. Our content editors keep the mining data, be it company, mining equipment or mining contracts up to date with the latest pricing and products available on the market. Our wallets section has a comprehensive list of wallets that will help you find the best wallet for your needs. We have over 1500 trading pairs and over 500 crypto currencies or crypto assets in an easy to understand and intuitive format.
The Company has five main pillars of wisdom for our build - Design, Ease of Use, Scope of Data, Social Interactivity & Data Integrity - which we believe are key to providing a useful and compelling service. And best of all, everything is free of charge.
Our streaming prices update a number of other metrics in real time, so users can stay abreast of the latest price movements. Our analysis shows users where Bitcoin is being traded and for which fiat countries and at what volumes - again on a real-time basis - you can switch easily between local currencies to get your own personal view of the markets you want to look at. Our goal is to give you the the whole market from all the markets.
We believe that blockchain tech has some way to go in providing mass adopted solutions, and that a major hurdle to doing so is in providing users with a reliable and integral platform with which to do so. We do not provide any trading facilities on our site, just conglomerated and refined data from other exchanges, with the view to helping users pick the most beneficial exchanges for their use.
Important information
This website is only provided for your general information and is not intended to be relied upon by you in making any investment decisions. You should always combine multiple sources of information and analysis before making an investment and seek independent expert financial advice.
Where we list or describe different products and services, we try to give you the information you need to help you compare them and choose the right product or service for you. We may also have tips and more information to help you compare providers.
Some providers pay us for advertisements or promotions on our website or in emails we may send you. Any commercial agreement we have in place with a provider does not affect how we describe them or their products and services. Sponsored companies are clearly labelled.