On August 26, the Paris Public Prosecutor’s Office explained why Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of Telegram, was arrested and detained. Durov was taken into custody on August 24 at Le Bourget airport near Paris at 6 p.m. UTC. This arrest has started a major legal investigation by the cybercrime division of the Prosecutor’s Office, known as JUNALCO, and accuses Durov of being involved in various criminal activities, focusing on his alleged role in using Telegram to facilitate illegal transactions.
According to their press release, the charges brought against Durov include complicity in operating an online platform that enables organized crime. Additionally, he is accused of obstructing justice by refusing to provide critical information required for lawful surveillance. The press release also highlights Durov’s alleged involvement in distributing illegal materials, participating in the narcotics trade, and offering tools that grant unauthorized access to data processing systems.
The case is being handled by investigative magistrates from the Paris Public Prosecutor’s Office, in collaboration with specialized units such as the Centre for the Fight against Cybercrime (C3N) and the Anti-Fraud National Office (ONAF). The seriousness of the allegations has led to Durov’s police custody being extended, with a potential duration of up to 96 hours.
The investigation also goes into complex cryptography-related offenses, with Durov accused of providing encryption services without the necessary official declarations and importing cryptographic tools that bypass legal requirements. French President Emmanuel Macron has addressed the situation on X, stressing the independence of the judiciary and affirming that Durov’s arrest is part of an ongoing legal process and not a political action.
Cryptocurrency Toncoin ($TON), which is closely connected to the Telegram messaging platform through The Open Network (TON) — a blockchain project originally developed by Telegram — is down around 21% since the news of Durov’s arrest got out.