Market Analysis Report |
10 June 2024 |
State of the CryptoBitcoin is up 0.03% at $8,990.620 with a volume of Ƀ96.0k - $864.6M on the USD pairs. Ether is down 1.33% against Bitcoin at Ƀ0.06283 per Ether and down 0.63% against the dollar to $564.79 with average volume Ƀ27.4k on the ETH/BTC pair. Bitcoin Cash is up 0.69% to Ƀ0.1166 with volumes of Ƀ9.7k and up 0.48% against the dollar at $1046.51. Ripple is down 1.6% to Ƀ0.00007558 with volumes of Ƀ6.8k and down 1.41% against the dollar at $0.6786. Zcash is down 5.52% for the day to Ƀ0.02877 per ZEC and down 5.85% against the dollar to $259.92 with an average volume of Ƀ1.7k for the 24 hour period. Litecoin is down 1.34% against the dollar for the day at $169.37 and down 1.41% to Ƀ0.01885 on volumes of Ƀ11.8k. Dash is up 0.08% at Ƀ0.04827 with Ƀ5.2k volume and up 0.25% against the dollar at $436.96. Iota is down 2.43% to Ƀ0.0001529 on Ƀ2.5k volume. Ether Classic is down 3.26% to Ƀ0.002226 with volumes of Ƀ5.3k and down 3.2% against the dollar at $19.97. Monero is down 4.72% against the dollar at $220.46 and down 4.64% against Bitcoin at Ƀ0.02446 on volumes of Ƀ2.9k. Neo is down 1.88% for the day to Ƀ0.008206 per NEO and down 1.68% against the dollar to $73.7 with an average volume of Ƀ4.2k for the 24 hour period. Waves is down 1.94% to Ƀ0.000555 on Ƀ1.9k volume. Stratis is up 3.03% to Ƀ0.0006028 on Ƀ1.0k volume. Cardano is down 0.47% to Ƀ0.00002311 on Ƀ4.8k volume. NEM is down 1.14% to Ƀ0.0000338 on Ƀ2.4k volume. |