Market Analysis Report |
10 June 2024 |
State of the CryptoBitcoin is down 2.22% at $ 2,526.63 with a volume of Ƀ 75k - $191m on the USD pairs. Litecoin is down 4.35% against the dollar for the day at $39.77 and down 2.16% to Ƀ 0.01589 on volumes of Ƀ 7.3.8. Ether is down 5.6% against Bitcoin at Ƀ 0.1162 per Ether and down 7.86% against the dollar to $291 with average volume Ƀ83k on the ETH/BTC pair. Dash is down 0.57% at Ƀ 0.07112 with Ƀ 4.6k volume and down 2.6% against the dollar at $175. Ripple is down 1.55% to Ƀ 0.0001017 with volumes of Ƀ 9k and down 4.56% against the dollar at $0.2535. Zcash is down 8.8% for the day to Ƀ 0.1201 per ZEC and down 11.2% against the dollar to $297 with an average volume of Ƀ 3.4k for the 24 hour period. Monero is down 5.16% against the dollar at $ 44.17 and down 2.7% against Bitcoin at Ƀ 0.01789 on volumes of Ƀ 3.3. Ether Classic is down 1.7% to Ƀ 0.007194 with volumes of Ƀ 5.5 and down 4.8% against the dollar at $17.89. Stratis is down 5.6% to Ƀ 0.002535 on Ƀ 2.5 volume. Waves is down 7.8% to Ƀ 0.001523 on Ƀ 540 volume. |