Market Analysis Report

10 June 2024

MVIS-CryptoCompare Index

The MVIS CryptoCompare Digital Assets 10 Index has closed at 4,997.84 with a loss of -15.00% for the day.

See the live index here

Market Update

The 29th and 30th of November were exciting days for those who were watching Bitcoin prices swing back and forth with quite a bit of turbulence. The price of Bitcoin touched an all-time high of $11,300, and then, a few hours later, the price went down hard to a low of $9250 on some trading platforms.

According to multiple reports, exchanges such as Coinbase, GDAX, Gemini, Bitstamp, Kraken, Bitfinex, and others had issues with their websites during these days. Traders complained of downtime during the dip, margin trading liquidations, and flash crashes.

At the time of writing, the Bitcoin price is sitting at $9,781, representing a loss of 5% in the last 24 hours. The total market capitalization of Bitcoin is over $164 billion. More than $1.62B worth of BTC were exchanged in the BTC/USD market, representing a 27% share of daily volume, second to the JPY at 52%.

Currently sitting at $426, the Ethereum price has dropped 4.4% in the last day. Over $350M worth of Ether were exchanged in the past 24 hours on the ETH/USD pair which has a 38.5% market share of the daily trading volume.

See live charts here and here

Job Application: Quality Assurance Manager - London

CryptoCompare is looking for a Quality Assurance Manager to join their London office. As a QA you will be working on bringing our website, mobile app (iOS and Android), API and other client products to success.

Read more here

Coinbase Ordered to Hand IRS Data of 14,000 Users

The cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase has been ordered to disclose details of more than 14,000 customers to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

Following a lengthy legal battle between the two entities, the San-Francisco district court ruled Tuesday that Coinbase must hand over user accounts at the exchange that bought, sold, sent or received sums of $20,000 and higher between 2013 and 2015.

Coinbase must now provide the tax agency with the name, address, taxpayer identification numbers and date of birth of customers associated with these accounts, a court filing states.

Read more here

Goldman Sachs CEO Considers BTC Trading Once Currency is Established

Goldman Sachs’ CEO Lloyd Blankfein has been one of the most open-minded Wall Street CEOs on Bitcoin. In fact, Blankfein has even pointed out that people distrusted paper currency when it was first introduced and later accepted it. The implication of his statement is that Bitcoin could become an acceptable means of exchanging value in the future, even if it isn’t widely accepted today. In an interview with Bloomberg, Blankfein said:

"We will see. If it works out and it gets more established, it trades like a store of value, it doesn't move up and down 20% and there is liquidity in it, we will think about it."

Read more here

NYU Plans to Launch an Undergraduate Course in Cryptocurrencies

This year’s incredible Bitcoin rally has raised a lot of interest in the cryptocurrency and created huge demand from people to learn everything they can about the phenomena. One academic institution which tries to answer this call is New York University (NYU).

The Stern School of Business at NYU was the first major US academic institution to offer a course in cryptocurrencies to its graduate students back in 2014. Now the school plans to offer a new option for undergraduates to learn about the field as well. NYU professor David Yermack told the Financial Times:

“I attended some events in New York and there was a huge demand for people trained in the compliance and tax aspects of cryptocurrencies and blockchain, so we set up the course in 2014, the first of its kind. Since then it has taken on a life of its own.”

Read more here

Recently Added:

ABYSS added to Upcoming ICO list

SETH added to Upcoming ICO list

Loci, the Ebay of intellectual property and ranked in the top 10 ICO’s to watch by Inc launches their token sale next week.

Loci is on a mission to revolutionize the way the world invents. Loci has integrated blockchain technology into their InnVenn patent research tool to create a platform that connects idea makers and IP purchasers.

The token sale scheduled December 6-31 will launch the sale of its native LOCIcoin utility tokens that fuels the Loci ecosystem and is the fundamental asset for the buying and selling of intellectual property.

Loci is one of the few ICO’s with an established company and product, is venture-backed, and has its own expansive IP portfolio.

The whitelist is now open which gives registrants exclusive access to the 2 day first round which begins December 6 (0:00 UTC). Registering also gives participants enrolled in the referral bonus program.

To learn more about Loci you can visit the website, read the whitepaper, and watch this explainer video. Engage with the team on its Telegram group.

Grocery on Blockchain, the Magic of INS Ecosystem

With the grocery market standing as one of the largest consumer markets globally, it is forecasted to reach a market cap of $8.5 Million by the year 2020. INS Ecosystem presents a new vision of the market. With the use of blockchain technology, it could be disrupted for the benefit of both consumers and manufacturers of grocery products.

The INS Ecosystem focuses on solving two major problems confronting the space: the abuse of buying power by grocery retailers, which results in high prices for consumers, and ineffective and costly trade promotions. Trade promotion spending represents 17% of the manufacturers' sales and each year over $50 Bn of trade promotions never reaches consumers.

INS is the only global decentralized online manufacturer-to-consumer platform that enables consumers to purchase directly from manufacturers without the intermediation of retailers, powered by a self-regulating community of consumers and manufacturers. Smart contracts will enable manufacturers to run bespoke loyalty programs and reward their customers with INS tokens.

You can become a part of the future by participating in the ICO of INS Ecosystem. The token sale starts on December the 4th and will last until the 25th of December.

To learn more about INS you can visit the Website, read the Whitepaper or Click here for the ICO details.

Press Release

State of the Crypto

Bitcoin is down 5.03% at $9,781.860 with a volume of Ƀ168.1k - $1618.5M on the USD pairs.

Ether is up 0.81% against Bitcoin at Ƀ0.04364 per Ether and down 4.37% against the dollar to $426.19 with average volume Ƀ23.3k on the ETH/BTC pair.

Bitcoin Cash is down 2.75% to Ƀ0.131 with volumes of Ƀ28.2k and down 7.64% against the dollar at $1273.5.

Ripple is up 1.67% to Ƀ0.00002381 with volumes of Ƀ4.3k and down 3.49% against the dollar at $0.2321.

Zcash is down 0.56% for the day to Ƀ0.03038 per ZEC and down 5.07% against the dollar to $296.07 with an average volume of Ƀ3.7k for the 24 hour period.

Litecoin is down 3.23% against the dollar for the day at $85.38 and up 0.62% to Ƀ0.008632 on volumes of Ƀ6.7k.

Dash is up 3.44% at Ƀ0.07762 with Ƀ16.3k volume and down 1.8% against the dollar at $754.67.

Iota is up 0.08% to Ƀ0.0001304 on Ƀ4.5k volume.

Ether Classic is up 2.5% to Ƀ0.002587 with volumes of Ƀ6.4k and down 2.37% against the dollar at $25.12.

Monero is down 3.26% against the dollar at $173.49 and down 0.78% against Bitcoin at Ƀ0.01777 on volumes of Ƀ4.5k.

Neo is up 6.13% for the day to Ƀ0.003496 per NEO and up 0.74% against the dollar to $33.96 with an average volume of Ƀ5.0k for the 24 hour period.

Waves is down 1.95% to Ƀ0.0004827 on Ƀ2.2k volume.

Stratis is up 4.31% to Ƀ0.000537 on Ƀ1.8k volume.

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