Market Analysis Report

17 June 2019

Visa to start digging into Blockchain

Visa have announced they are looking into blockchain through their innovation team. This follows on from the Company stating they do not see Bitcoin as a threat, but acknowledging that they could accept it as a payment method.

PWC - not if but when!

PWC have issued a crypto currency primer stating "it is no longer a question of if crypto currencies will transform financial services, but when and how". They go on to state the potential disruption for traditional modus operandi's in finance, and point out the benefits to consumers.

Bail set to $100k

The head of, Anthony Murgio, has had his bail set at $100,000 dollars after being arrested for operating a Bitcoin exchange without a money transmission license. 

State of the Crypto

Bitcoin has seen a little life pushing it up by $3 dollars on the day to $267. The driving market again was CNY with 75% of the volume.

Litecoin has not seen too much movement and remains at the $4 mark. 

ETH - Ethereum trading woke up yesterday with volume at 5,600 btc up 400% on the day leading to huge swings in volatility pushing the price from 0.0026 btc to above 0.0044. At present the price is around the 0.0036 point. Poloniex is garnering more market share of the BTC ETH pair with over 63% of the market. 

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