Wanchain (WAN) - BTC

Ƀ 0.00000271
Just now
Market cap.
Ƀ 536.84
Vol 24h
WAN 918,706.6 (Ƀ 2.54)
Low/High 24h
Ƀ 0.00000270 - Ƀ 0.00000285
Open 24h
Ƀ 0.00000272

Wanchain is a distributed super financial market based on blockchain. Wanchain aims to build a distributed future "bank." As a distributed digital-asset based financial infrastructure, Wanchain aims to allow any institution or individual to set up their own virtual teller window in the “bank” and provide services such as loan origination, asset exchanges, credit payments and transaction settlements based on digital assets. The core developers are based in the US and China.

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