VIDT Datalink (VIDT) - BTC

Ƀ 0.00000035
Just now
Market cap.
Ƀ 19.57
Vol 24h
VIDT 152,464,163.2 (Ƀ 53.17)
Low/High 24h
Ƀ 0.00000031 - Ƀ 0.00000036
Open 24h
Ƀ 0.00000032

VIDT Datalink is a platform that is aimed at ending document fraud, It allows users and organizations to submit their files, where they are then matched with an ID and assigned a verified status. VIDT Datalink claims to be impossible to alter the file without losing the verification. Making it a secure and reliable way to fraud-proof your documentation.

VIDT is an ERC20 compliant token on the Ethereum network.

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