Triplant is a new concept in implants. Since it features a structural mesh shape, alveolar bone, which can otherwise be lost at the time of embedding, enters the structure. Furthermore, nerves and blood vessels are regenerated histologically and anatomically to solve the problems of extant implants, making it a human-integrated type implant that prevents the common issue of needing to re-perform the procedure due to infection.
The members among those who hold 28VC (voucher as the reference) who wish to become clinical trial participants will be selected, and Triplant will be implanted free of charge in each of the aforementioned countries of issuance.
28VC Trees and vouchers (blockchain token), at the time of commercialization following the successful completion of the clinical trial, will be used to cover Triplant 28 PAY costs at the designated hospitals in Korea, Japan, and China. Moreover, Trees and voucher can be used in relation to teeth or health-related treatments.
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