OriginTrail (TRAC) - BTC

Ƀ 0.00000481
Just now
Market cap.
Ƀ 2.40 K
Vol 24h
TRAC 19,132,863.8 (Ƀ 91.96)
Low/High 24h
Ƀ 0.00000408 - Ƀ 0.00000537
Open 24h
Ƀ 0.00000441

OriginTrail is the first purpose-built protocol or supply chains based on the blockchain. It is a scalable solution for data management across complex supply chains through purpose-built decentralized graph database. The OriginTrail Decentralized Network (ODN) will enable sharing data along any supply chain as a simple plug-and-play solution. OriginTrail is blockchain agnostic and can be used with any blockchain. Pilot projects and existing use cases are being implemented on the Ethereum public blockchain.

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