Ontology Gas (ONGAS) - BTC

Ƀ 0.00000404
Just now
Market cap.
Ƀ 4.04 K
Vol 24h
ONGAS 22,678,675.7 (Ƀ 91.59)
Low/High 24h
Ƀ 0.00000368 - Ƀ 0.00000456
Open 24h
Ƀ 0.00000399

Ontology is a public infrastructure chain project and distributed trust collaboration platform. Its blockchain framework supports public blockchain systems and is able to customize different public blockchains for different applications. The blockchain/distributed ledger network combines distributed identity verification, data exchange, data collaboration, procedure protocols, communities, attestation, smart contract system support, and various industry-specific modules.

The Ontology Gas (ONG) is the token developed by to be the platform gas. Ontology uses a dual token (ONT and ONG) model. ONT is the coin and can be used for staking in consensus, whereas ONG is the utility token used for on-chain services.

The official Ontology Gas token ticker is “ONG” and trades under that name on all the exchanges where it has been listed. The designation “ONGAS” is for CryptoCompare.com only.

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