Nexus (NXS) - JPY

¥ 25.47
7 months ago
Market cap.
¥ 2.00 B
Vol 24h
NXS 0 (¥ 0)
Low/High 24h
¥ 24.32 - ¥ 25.79
Open 24h
¥ 24.46

Nexus is an innovative crypto currency - the coin runs off its own algorithm and has a well though through infrastructure that takes it beyond bitcoin and other 1 st generation crypto currencies - it has a checks and balances system for sending coins - where transactions can be retrieved if sent to a wrong address. The proof of stake rate is 2% up to a coin cap of 78 million.

In a nutshell, Nominated Proof-of-Stake (nPoS) is the process of selecting validators to be allowed to participate in the consensus protocol. NPoS is a variation of Proof-of-Stake and is used in Substrate-based Blockchains such as Kusama, Edgeware or Polkadot.



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