Metadium (METADIUM) - JPY

¥ 3.03
1 day ago
Market cap.
¥ 6.06 B
Vol 24h
METADIUM 0 (¥ 0)
Low/High 24h
¥ 2.84 - ¥ 3.05
Open 24h
¥ 2.87

Metadium aims to build an identity blockchain ecosystem through a system service called the "Meta ID". The role of the Meta ID is to provide a service that supports user authentication and personal information verification. Personal information is not stored in the blockchain in order to prevent privacy violations. Online and offline services that require an ID can provide services using information accumulated in the Meta ID. For example, a service associated with a Metadium blockchain can provide basic services for subscription and login, and provide services in the form of decentralized apps or centralized apps.

The project’s Mainnet is set to launch on February 28, and META token holders are required to swap their ERC-20 META tokens for the native blockchain META coins in a 1:1 ratio exchange. As the team migrates from the Ethereum blockchain to Metadium Mainnet blockchain, they outline all the steps required for META holders to ensure the safe exchange of their tokens and the timeline of important upcoming events.

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